关于继续发展上海港与纽约/新泽西港友好港关系的 备 忘 录 上海港与纽约/新泽西港均为各自国家的重要港口,两港在多年友好交往的基础上于1993年11月9日在美国纽约签署了关于缔结友好港关系的协议。 友好港关系的建立是两港关系发展的里程碑。双方高兴地看到,自建立友好港关系以来的十年期间,两港在许多方面进行了有益的交流和合作,双方对两港之间的友好关系的发展表示满意。 近年来,世界港航业发生了很大的变化,船公司的联盟化、船舶大型化以及世界枢纽港的形成都对两港的发展提出了新的挑战。 值此两港友好港关系建立十周年之际,双方重申继续发展两港的友好港关系,并将积极推进在港口管理、航运、规划、建设、经营、信息技术等方面的交流和合作。双方同意将适时就具体的交流合作内容进行讨论,交流合作项目一俟确定,将由双方组织实施。 本备忘录于二○○三年十月六日在纽约签署,一式两份,每份用中文和英文书就,两种文本具有同等效力。 中华人民共和国 美利坚合众国 上海市港口管理局局长 纽约/新泽西港务局首席运营官 许 培 星 Ernesto Butcher Proclamation of Reaffirmation of the Sister Port Relationship Between the Port of New York/New Jersey and the Port of Shanghai The Port of New York/New Jersey and the Port of Shanghai are important ports in their respective countries. On the basis of their friendly relationship for many years, the two ports signed a sister port agreement in New York on November 9, 1993. The formalization of the sister port relationship was a milestone in the development of the relationship between the two ports. The two ports are pleased to note that during the past 10 years since affirming their sister port relationship, the two ports have conducted many valuable exchange and cooperation programs. They are satisfied with the progress of their friendly relations. Great changes have taken place in the world port and shipping industries over the past decade. Shipping alliances, development of post-panamax vessels and the formation of the world hub ports have posed new challenges to the development of the two ports. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the signing of their Sister Port Agreement, the two ports reaffirm that they will continue to enhance their sister port relationship through concrete projects. They will actively carry forward exchange and cooperation programs in the fields of port administration, shipping, planning, construction, management and IT as opportunities arise. Once such projects are identified and agreed upon, the two ports will contribute efforts to implement them. Done in duplicate in New York on October 6, 2003 in the English and Chinese languages, both texts being equally authentic. Ernesto Butcher Xu Peixing Chief Operating Officer Director General The Port Authority of New York/New Jersey Shanghai Municipal Port Administration Bureau The United States of America The People’s Republic of China |